A “referendum” on Martine Ouellet not before June

News 26 March, 2018
    Martine Ouellet

    Boris Proulx

    Monday, march 26, 2018 11:07

    Monday, march 26, 2018 11:07

    Look at this article

    OTTAWA | The political future of Martine Ouellet will not be known until the 3rd of June, where will be announced the results of a broad consultation of the members on the mission of the party and confidence in its leader.

    The leader of the Bloc québécois made the announcement on Monday of all the details of this “referendum” from the members which will take place in more than two months.

    The national Office of the Bloc québécois developed two questions at the end of a long meeting in Montreal, Saturday, on which only the members that are already registered in the Block will be able to vote online or by phone on June 1st and 2nd.

    The first will confirm the vision of Ms. Ouellet on the role of the party, is to put priority on the promotion of Quebec sovereignty.

    The second will ask outright if the chief should stay. The main concerned believes that a simple majority is sufficient to confirm its legitimacy to lead the party.

    “If 50% +1 we can create a country, we can certainly confirm one or a chief at the head of a political party. There are governments who are elected and who run the Quebec or Canada with a lot less than that “, said Martine Ouellet.

    The party’s president, Mario Beaulieu, was absent from the press briefing Monday. The last two mps openly loyal to Ms. Ouellet, Marilène Gill and Xavier Barsalou-Duval, were present.


    Two questions for the members

    1. The Bloc Québécois should it be, in its daily actions, and not only in theory, the proponent of the option of independence, using every forum and every opportunity to demonstrate the need for the independence of Quebec as with activists, citizens, the media and in the Ottawa Parliament by the Independence, as stated in article 1 of the programme of the Bloc Québécois?

    2. Do you agree to renew your confidence in Martine Ouellet, head of the Bloc Québécois?