A resident of the UK have adopted Jesus – a stuffed Fox In the World : Vladim

News 26 January, 2018

A resident of the UK has acquired a stepson. And adopted British the stuffed Fox, which she got for Christmas in 2015. Perhaps this influenced the choice of name for the baby – stuffed baptized Jesus.


Lisa Foxcroft – the so-called new mother – even signed the adoption papers. She noted that would take care of the dummy like a real baby. The Liza all picks with a Scarecrow, emphasizing that her important endorsement of the son in everything: products, outfits. The first public reaction is always amazement and glances. However, after appropriate explanations people change their opinions and even ask permission to take pictures with the Fox and ask him about his health.


The mother of the baby Jesus says that the greatest pleasure it gives the child dressing up in celebrities. The British even made an account of the effigies in the social network, where you photographed it in different ways: from beyoncé to Princess Diana.


Lisa admits that most of her compatriots are outraged by not the fact of adoption is stuffed, and the fact that it was named in honor of the Savior. Those who oppose taxidermy, she explained that Fox had been killed under the wheels of cars. If he’s not made a stuffed animal corpse still rotted on the sidelines.