A snowmobile driver lost his life in Charlevoix

News 17 March, 2018
  • VAT New

    Saturday, 17 march 2018 08:14

    Saturday, 17 march 2018 08:18

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    A man of 25 years lost his life in a snowmobile accident, near the road Morisset, La Malbaie, Saint-Fidèle, on Friday night.

    “At around 22: 30, we received a call for a snowmobile driver who had lost control of his vehicle and collided with trees,” summed up the sergeant Claude Denis, spokesman for the Sûreté du Québec.

    The man was transported to hospital in a critical condition. His death was pronounced a little later.

    An investigation has been initiated to attempt to determine the exact causes of the accident.

    Four other snowmobilers were following the victim.