A survivor tells of the hell of prostitution
Tuesday, 13 march 2018 11:53
Tuesday, 13 march 2018 11:55
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The character of Fanny, in the popular series., marked the Québécois. However, many people have unfortunately experienced stories like hers.
The singer Valérie Legal Tender is coming to tell his story on Tuesday morning to the issuance of The 9 hours, on the waves of LCN.
After being away from home at 16 years old, she quickly fell into the hell of prostitution.
“I stopped just before the age of 18 years. And then I continued in the sex industry, because it was all I knew,” said the survivor become an advocate.
Valérie Legal Tender then danced naked in the strip clubs until the age of 23 years.
“The owners of the club and the doormen, it all contributes to an unhealthy dynamic that isolates the victims and that is that the girls no longer have a referent normal,” she said, describing this environment of “alienating”.
For the survivor, the series. has demonstrated the extent to which the girls gradually lose their security standards when they enter the world of prostitution.
“Me, I was in a shooting in a club. I told myself that I would go ever there, and three weeks after, I was in the same club”, said Valérie Legal Tender.
The scene of the gang rape of Fanny, which shocked many viewers, was necessary, according to the survivor, to show an important step in the descent to hell the girl.
“It “breaks” the girl for that she lost her dignity. After that, it is more easy to make him do anything,” explained the activist.
While waiting for the continuation of the popular series, catch up on the last episodes of the season. to VAT.ca.