A system with eight planets, like ours, revealed by the artificial intelligence

News 14 December, 2017
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    Thursday, 14 December, 2017 16:28

    Thursday, 14 December, 2017 16:28

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    The artificial intelligence has uncovered an eighth exoplanet in a star system far, this was actually the first to count the same number of planets as those in orbit around our Sun, announced Thursday at Nasa.

    This discovery shows that”there is another star system similar to our solar system with the same number of planets orbiting a single star,” says the space agency in a press release.

    This exoplanet rocky called Kepler-90i has been detected around Kepler-90, a star similar to our sun located 2.545 light-years from Earth.

    “The stellar system Kepler-90 is a version in miniature of our solar system with small planets on the inside and the big planets on the outside, but they are much more narrow,” says Andrew Vanderburg, an astronomer at the university of Texas at Austin.

    The latest exoplanet detected, Kepler-90i, is inhospitable.

    About 30% larger than the Earth, it is so close to its star, of which she made the tour of 14.4 days, that the average temperature on its surface exceeds the 426 degrees Celsius as Mercury.

    Another planet, Kepler-90h is on an orbit at the same distance from the star than the Earth from the Sun, says Nasa.

    This discovery shows that the artificial intelligence is a promising tool for find some even very small signals from distant planets, point out the researchers.

    In this case, a learning machine Google has taught a computer to scan 35 000 signals of exoplanets potential picked up by the telescope american Kepler when a planet passed in front of its star, producing a decrease in brightness.

    This approach has already enabled us to discover 2.500 exoplanets.

    With this new artificial intelligence technique called “neural network” that mimics the structure of the human brain that can classify the information and learn by example – the number of discoveries are expected to further increase, say the scientists.

    They plan to apply this approach to the more than 150,000 stars that Kepler has studied for four years.

    This discovery is the subject of a publication in the Astronomical Journal.