A tug continues with the SQ that they call more

News 13 February, 2018
  • Photo By Caroline Lepage
    Jean-Marc Lepage

    Caroline Lepage

    Monday, 12 February, 2018 23:14

    Monday, 12 February, 2018 23:14

    Look at this article

    DRUMMONDVILLE | A tug who works in the Centre-du-Quebec for the past 48 years, continuing the Sûreté du Québec, because the police no longer call on him when there are accidents.

    The Group, Lepage and Sons, and other tugs in the region of Drummondville, have signed a contract with the SQ who had to call them to turn when there are collisions.

    However, the owner of the Group, Lepage, Jean-Marc Lepage, has been suspended by the SQ twice in 2016 and 2017 for periods of two and six months. The contract has been permanently broken in July 2017.

    Exaggerated price

    The SQ accuses him in particular of having attempted to demand an inflated price for a service and have threatened a client of the ” split in two “.

    “Because of the severity of the remarks reported, the SQ has conducted a survey […] we believe that the relationship of trust established with the SQ is broken “, has served on the Group Lepage on the 25th of July last, captain Robert Léveillé, putting an end to their collaboration.

    However, no criminal charge of threatening was laid against Mr. Lepage, who would have liked that the SQ asks him his version of the facts.

    The Group Lepage continues so the SQ for 153 000 $, but this amount is expected to be revised upwards, says her attorney, Me Jean-François Houle.


    The owner Jean-Marc Lepage denies the allegations of the SQ.

    A trial scheduled in the next few months at the courthouse in Drummondville, will give the floor to the witnesses involved.

    Until recently, the tug had hope to once again have calls to the police, the judge Lise Matteau has refused him the 10 last January, not wanting to rule before the trial on the merits of the case.

    Deprived of these revenues, Jean-Marc Lepage has put his trade to sell after 48 years of towing.

    “Before, the phone does dérougissait not. There, it has nothing to share a couple of calls from regular customers “, said yesterday, Mélanie Gauthier, the secretary who found herself unemployed due to the dispute.