An activist caquiste gives “a little quick lesson in French” Jean-François Lisée

News 8 February, 2018
    Jean-François Lisée

    Marie-Renée Grondin

    Thursday, February 8, 2018 14:38

    Thursday, February 8, 2018 14:38

    Look at this article

    An activist and founding member of the Coalition Avenir Québec (CAQ), Pierre Morin, has identified a lack of French made by the leader of the Parti québécois (PQ) on Instagram.

    In one of his stories, Jean-François Lisée has not granted correctly the word “union” in the plural.

    “I met earlier representatives syndicals in order to find solutions for the workers of ABI”, was it written on Instagram.

    “A little quick lesson in French to the chief of the #pq .@JFLisee: A union representative, two union representatives… #loi101 #polQC #Assnat”, said Mr. Morin on Twitter, accompanying the publication of a screenshot of the story in question.

    Small quick lesson in French to the chief of the #pq .@JFLisee : A union representative, two union representatives… #Loi101 #polQC #Assnat

    — Pierre Morin (@PierreMorinQc) February 8, 2018

    You do not regain, Mr. Lisée…