An elder tied up and scantily clad is saved on the edge of a road

News 22 December, 2017
  • Photo By Caroline Lepage
    David Bolduc has seen all the colors in a 15-year-old driver, but this is the first time that he was speaking with an elderly lady, the victim of a break and enter last Saturday, in the Centre-du-Québec.

    Caroline Lepage

    Thursday, December 21, 2017 23:07

    Thursday, December 21, 2017 23:07

    Look at this article

    DAVELUYVILLE | A “raccompagnateur” saved a lady of 71 years who had his hands bound and fleeing in his pajamas on the edge of the road because it had just been the victim of a burglary.

    David Bolduc was a volunteer for zero Tolerance, an organization that accompanies drivers tipsy.

    With his partner, he was on highway 261 north, Daveluyville, Centre-du-Québec, in the course of the night of last Saturday.

    Mr. Bolduc has preview to 1: 30 p.m. a lady who wore rain boots and pajamas in black picoté of yellow, without a coat, and who was riding on the side of the road with his dog.

    “It was about -25 degrees Celcius “, specifies the “raccompagnateur” experience.

    The good samaritan had noticed that the hands of the walker and bleeding and that they were attached to the back of his back with telephone wire.

    Mr. Bolduc has provided help to the woman 71-year-old who was said to have been a victim of a burglary.

    “She was lying in her bed when she heard someone banged the door of his house,” according to what she told the 35 year old man, who is a security guard business.

    The police confirmed the event, but still has not stopped the author of break and enter and theft, said Aurélie Guindon, the Sûreté du Québec.

    Call 911

    Another motorist stopped and asked the victim to board his pickup truck while Mr. Bolduc called the 911.

    During the call, the couple who was getting a ride home has left the premises without explanation.

    “I don’t have money and it doesn’t bother me. At least, I saved a life “, to console Mr. Bolduc.

    He remained at the scene until 3 a.m. and made a statement to the police. He was reassured to learn that the victim, who refused to leave in an ambulance, was taken in charge by relatives.


    However, he had trouble sleeping the following nights.

    “In 15 years, this is the first time I saw it “, lance-t-il.

    The president of zero Tolerance, Mélanie Dionne, reminded him that he could be proud of his intervention.

    Mr. Bolduc is inconceivable that they can take it out of the way to an elder without defence.

    “It’s disgusting. I wish strongly that the police make the arrest of this individual “, pleaded he.