Bath crowd for Clinton

News 16 August, 2017
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    QMI agency

    Tuesday, 15 August, 2017 16:02

    Tuesday, 15 August, 2017 16:02

    Look at this article

    NORTH HATLEY – Bill and Hillary Clinton have finally been seen in North Hatley, Tuesday, where they took a bath of crowd for forty minutes.

    They are landed in the afternoon on the main street, where they took the time to shake hands with the passers-by and take égoportraits with them.

    They are also entered in a few local shops where they made purchases.

    Several people were displaced for the see.

    “We never thought that they were to come and see our store. They entered the shop and Bill we stole a chat, as they say. It is special when even when you see everyone around and security officers,” said a trader.

    “It’s annoying, I’m still moved. They have bought cute hats, quite extravagant. They are impressive, but nice and super friendly,” added another shopping.