“Beating cancer” and recovered from lesbisch a vegan died of cancer In the World : Vladim

News 21 February, 2018

Previously, many users watched a solemn video Marie Johnson, who claimed he could cure himself of lesbisch and cancer through a vegan. However, it became known that a woman lost her life to cancer.


On the death of Marie Johnson Network said her niece by the name of Liz. Liz noticed that at some point Mary was unable to contain himself, and began to consume meat products, and food, reheated in the microwave, which fed her mother. According to a niece of the deceased videobloggers, it is a violation of a vegan diet and syroedstve led to her death. Liz assured that Johnson would not have died if she had the strength to adhere to the prescribed diet.


Before her death, Mary asked her niece to erase her account, all videos, in which she assured the audience that veganism is able to beat cancer. But her niece is not going to do that because still confident in the effectiveness of these methods of treatment of oncological diseases.