Black cat: superstition and myths

Techno 17 February, 2018

2018-02-17 19:42

Black cat: superstition and myths
What do you think when you see a black cat? About Halloween? About witches? I think about his death or possible failures? Or about your chance to meet the guy? When it comes to black cats, all prejudices and myths disappear, because really, it’s cute creatures on the planet. And now we’ll show you all the most interesting about these cats.

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1. Overall, there are 22 breeds of cats with completely black color. Most people who say “black cat”, imagine the Bombay cat.

2. Bomback cats were bred artificially with only one purpose – to breed, like a Panther. The initiator of this venture was the Kentucky breeder Nikki Horner. Bomback cats are very playful and friendly.

3. Have you ever wondered why in some cultures black cats have a bad reputation?
Some scholars argue that the roots of this superstition begins with Ancient Greece. The Earth goddess – Hera, want to prevent the birth of Hercules (the illegitimate son of her husband Zeus and the Princess Alcmene). Servant of Alcmene thwart the plans of the goddess, and she for it turned him into a black cat, and sent to serve the God of death and witchcraft. Since then, any black cat, according to legend, could serve the God of death.

4. In the middle ages, all cats were considered evil and called Association with the devil and witches.
The fact that women are unjustly accused of witchcraft, loved to take care of street cats. Therefore, the society believed that they use cats for their magical rites.

5. In the middle ages it was believed that witches turn into cats.
According to legend, one day the husband and son threw a stone at a black cat which crossed their path, and she hid in the house of the alleged “witches”. The next day, when they stumbled upon her, she was limping. They felt that the woman was the cat, in which they threw a stone.

6. In the year 1233, Pope Gregory XI issued a decree that all black cats – the personification of the devil.
Since cats hunt at night, and many magical rites occur, also, in the dark, and the cats dragged to the Gentiles, against which the Church fought fiercely.

7. In particular, in Finland it was believed that black cats can carry the souls of the dead into the next life.And in Germany believed that if a black cat will climb on the bed to the patient, he will soon die.

8. Despite the fact that in most cases, black cats represent evil, in some States, their appearance is a good sign that indicates an emergency good luck.
So, in Asia and in some European countries cats are harbingers of financial prosperity and a good harvest.

9. They say that a black cat to help find a bride and to bless the marriage.

In some cultures the groom give black cat a sign of what awaits her luck and a happy family life. It is also believed that the cat dark color will bring the newlyweds happiness and a long life together.

10. In the National Institute of health conducted a study according to which genetic mutation that gives the cat is black in color, protects it from many diseases.

11. Black cats have the ability to change the color. For example, they can become red.
Due to the long stay under ultraviolet light, the gene that is responsible for the strips, and disrupts the pigment of the hair, reducing the amount of tyrosine in the body, with the result that there is a change in color.

12. Sailors believe that cats are their good friends. Cat is catching mice on the ship, but also is a symbol of a safe return home.

13. Some black cat brand yellow eyes. The cause of the excess melanin. But not all black cats have such a feature.

14. Subsequently, the people begin to turn gray, hair color becomes white. And cats. Only he and the age begins to turn white wool.

15. The richest cat who is in the Guinness Book of world Records, owns 13 million dollars. She received an inheritance from his rich mistress after her death.

16. Black cats more than cats. According to legends, the males bring more luck, and black color occurs mainly in males. Perhaps that is why in some places the more I appreciate cats.

17. So on light there was a black cat, her parents should also have a black fur color.

Refer to paragraph 11 about the change of color. The presence of the stripes mentions the predominance of wool with a fur pattern, so that a born black kitten, the family should dominate the gene that is responsible for black fur.

18. Perhaps you dream of a black cat. Many of the interpreters of dreams tend to think that a cat in a dream is good luck and others that don’t need to trust your intuition.

19. There are plenty of myths about men and cats. For example, the ancient druids believed that black cat is the reincarnation of a man who during his life badly and now punished for their sins.

20. It is believed that Freya – goddess of love and beauty, traveled in a cart pulled by black cats.

21. In the United States and Canada, many children choose Halloween costume black cat. It is also very popular among girls in the first year of College.

22. Once it was rumoured that the black cats from shelters more difficult to find the owners. Numerous studies have successfully denied the rumors. On the contrary. Black cats are easier to attach.

23. Many shelters do not Specifically attach black cats. They are afraid that cats can be victims of magical rituals.

24. In Japan there are special restaurants where I live black cats. While drinking tea around you purr of a cat, with whom you can play and Pat.

25. I hope you are convinced that black cats are just adorable! They even dedicated 2 days per year – 17 August and 17 November.