Blanket Jackson: How karate helps the youngest son of Michael Jackson to live his teens – Gala

Entertainment, Techno 10 July, 2017

son of

Blanket Jackson is all grown up. Like his sister, he has found interests and in particular the sports. While Paris Jackson , she turned to modeling and comedy, Blanket Jackson has opted for karate.

Paris Jasckon has alarmed the press last April, expressed its concern about the situation in which his little brother, Blancket Jackson, grew up. But it seems that the youngest of the children of the king of pop is alive and well.

While her sister, Paris Jackson, has started modeling and comedy, and that her brother, Prince Jackson, manages a production company at the same time as his studies in school of commerce, Blanket Jackson started in the sport.

Recent photos the shows also strong in a kimono in karate. In fact, the one that is now called Bigi is dedicated to this new passion, martial arts. Last month, he was photographed while he was working on his technique in his sports club of Los Angeles.

In his white kimono, one sees the teenager in the hair very long, focused and attentive during his workout. According to the reporter from TMZ, the boy is rather talented and would have spent getting the black strape. And this is not a thin to make the top of its 15 years !

A good way to defend yourself and unwind after the hard trial of the death of his father in 2009. Under the guardianship of her grandmother Katherine and her uncle TJ, the boy is often alone, which does not seem to affect its behavior or its results. In his private school, it is highly appreciated and won the right notes.

Blanket JacksonMichael Jackson

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