Cadet will replace police officers on some of the sites

News 15 August, 2017
  • Archival Photo, QMI AGENCY

    Yves Poirier

    Tuesday, 15 August 2017 15:07

    Tuesday, 15 August 2017 15:07

    Look at this article

    MONTREAL – The mayor of Montréal, Denis Coderre, will announce on Wednesday details regarding the recruitment of cadets to manage the traffic flow on a portion of the building in the city.

    This may be of interest to taxpayers, it is that the cadet will earn four times less expensive than police officers, who are currently paid $ 60 per hour for additional time.

    According to the data obtained by TVA Nouvelles, the cadet will earn between 14,64 at 16,20 $ per hour.

    These details will be announced in the framework of the meeting of the executive committee of the City of Montreal. The mayor will explain this change, which is included in the new collective agreement of the police officers of Montreal.

    Cadets will manage a good portion of the building where it is “less complicated”, that is to say, where there’s less management. Construction sites or some of the streets where the cadets will not have to intervene with motorists, for example.

    Other more challenging sites remain in the hands of agents of the SPVM.

    The new collective agreement consulted by TVA News reveals in effect the terms and conditions around the agreement between the City and the Fraternity of the police officers on the use of the cadets of the POLICE to manage the traffic flow on a portion of the building.