Canadian through the library brought into the country hundreds of weapons In the World : Vladim

News 1 February, 2018

Citizen Cananda pleaded guilty to smuggling weapons from the United States to the territory of their country. For this he used one of the libraries of the city in which he lived. Relevant information is stated in the message of the Ministry of justice of Vermont, us.


As reported, the resident of Quebec was two American accomplices. Together they devised a scheme, which for a long period allowed them to do invisible smuggled guns. In particular, the weapons they kept in the library, which was located on the border of USA and Canada.
The Americans came into the library building on the American side. The goods they hid in trash cans and toilets of the building.

The canadian behind it took away the guns and bring them already on canadian territory. Following this he was connected with their ties and were engaged in the illegal distribution. The group in total was taken from US at least 104 of the gun.

In the smuggling of canadian accused two years ago, but in order to get him to the U.S. Supreme court took two years. January 29, 2018, he was found guilty. At the moment, the offender faces imprisonment for a term of 20 years.