Case Maclean’s Andrew Potter retired as Director at McGill

News 23 March, 2017

Andrew Potter, at the center of a three-day controversy over a controversial article on Quebec society in Maclean’s magazine , has just announced his resignation from the management of the McGill Institute for the Study of Canada.

On Twitter, Mr. Potter said he made this decision “in the wake of negative reactions within the academic community and public opinion.”

“I have come to the conclusion that the credibility of the Institute would benefit from my resignation,” he wrote.

However, the man intends to retain his position as professor at the university.

In his text published Monday in Maclean’s , he argues that the confusion surrounding the snow removal of Highway 13 is a consequence of “the lack of solidarity” of Quebec society, which he describes as “pathologically alienated”.

He had apologized the day before yesterday, admitting that his text contained “a certain rhetoric that goes beyond what is justified by the facts or by my own convictions”.

“The first duty of the political writer is to account for his community to herself,” read the Facebook account. Obviously, I failed. When people you read and respect tell you they do not recognize their society in your description, it indicates a failure of empathy and imagination, and it’s time to take a step back. “