Cédrika Provencher, 10 years later : Me Guy Bertrand speaks to the murderer of the little girl

News 1 August, 2017
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    QMI agency

    Monday, 31 July, 2017 16:57

    Monday, 31 July, 2017 16:57

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    Acting as independent prosecutor in 2009 to advance the investigation into the disappearance of Cédrika Provencher, who was missing since July 31, 2007, mr. Guy Bertrand has not managed to clarify the case.

    “Henri and Martin Provencher were desperate when they came to see me. Pass after Claude Poirier and the police. What to do? I wanted to find Cédrika. I have thought about it and created the post of independent prosecutor, which allowed me to enjoy the secrecy and non-disclosure of information,” recalled the lawyer from Quebec who was hoping to untie tongues.


    All the good will and the 170,000 $ Me Bertrand had have not helped advance the investigation, but eight years later, the latter do not despair. It was addressed directly, through the camera of VAT News, the one who killed the small the bones were found in a wooded area in Mauricie, in 2015.

    “I say to the gentleman: “You have lived ten years in a false freedom. You are not free. Each day, your conscience is troubled with remorse. There is a way to end your days in some dignity, and that is to deliver”, commented the lawyer.

    Dead or alive

    “With a $ 170,000, I had the firm belief that someone would receive a confidence, and say: “This is where you go to find the body.” The goal was not to find the murderer, but Cédrika dead or alive”, has explained to Me Bertrand.

    In the hours that followed the press conference of the lawyer in 2009, where he announced that he would invest his time, working pro bono, so free of charge, to the family Provencher in the file of the disappearance of the young), the phone lines have not stopped ringing.

    Some 340 information has been collated and twenty have been transferred to the Sûreté du Québec, investigating on the record, said the lawyer. According to Guy Bertrand, his team has even made excavations in a wooded area of the Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean to the result of the confidences of an ex-inmate. In vain.