Chaudière-Appalaches in mind for the graduation rate

News 16 February, 2018
  • Archival Photo Simon Clark

    Daphnée Dion-Viens

    Friday, 16 February 2018 00:00

    Friday, 16 February 2018 00:00

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    The region of Chaudière-Appalaches has cause to celebrate : it is the one where the graduation rate in the public network is the highest in the province.

    • ON THE SAME TOPIC: Graduation record in Quebec

    The Journal revealed Thursday morning that the graduation rate of students in quebec has for the first time exceeded the 80 %. This figure includes public and private networks.

    For the administrative regions, the data of the ministry of Education are compiled only for the public network. In Chaudière-Appalaches, which includes Lévis, Beauce and the la Côte-du-Sud, the rates of high school graduation rate after seven years is 80.1 %, compared to 76.5 % for the whole of the public network.

    “Dynamic region “

    “It is a dynamic region, the mobilization of the community is very strong and it shows that the collective efforts are bearing fruit,” says Michel Perron, an associate professor at the Université du Québec à Chicoutimi and is an expert in the field of early school leaving.

    Since 2012, approximately 400 regional actors are brought together within the organization, Partners for educational success in the Chaudière-Appalaches (PRÉCA). It is a ” crossroads “, which focuses on the concerted collaborative efforts of local partners who have decided to make student retention a priority, ” explains its director general, Ariane Cyr. Similar organizations, called regional bodies of consultation exist in each of the regions of Quebec.

    In Chaudière-Appalaches, all actors are involved, including elected municipal officials, ” says dr. Cyr. The mobilization is also particularly intense on the side of the school network, she adds. The projects and approaches vary from one county to another, depending on the needs and realities of each community.

    Among the many projects supported by the PRÉCA include four alternative schools that allow raccrocheurs to resume their studies outside of the walls of a traditional hotel, and two projects that help young people who have been suspended from school.

    The minister Proulx welcomes

    For his part, the minister of Education, Sébastien Proulx, was delighted to see the graduation rate increase among students of secondary school, particularly among boys.

    “In schools, we are working differently with young people [and there are] all the reflection with respect to the perseverance and the fight to the stall that bears fruits “, said the minister Proulx, during a media scrum. “There is good news. The graduation rate, increasing it to a record level, it is ahead of our forecasts “, he added.

    — With the collaboration of the QMI Agency