Child pornography: a man of Seven-Islands arrested

News 30 March, 2018
  • Joel Lemay/QMI Agency

    QMI agency

    Friday, march 30, 2018 04:09

    Friday, march 30, 2018 04:09

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    SEPT-ÎLES – The Sûreté du Québec has arrested a 59 year old man, Seven-Islands, for criminal offences relating to child pornography.

    Claude Allain, was arrested Wednesday and appeared at the palais de justice de Sept-Îles on the same day. He faces charges of accessing, possession, distribution, production of child pornography and agreement or arrangement for the purpose of committing a sexual offence against a child under 16 years of age.

    A search was also conducted to his home, where computer equipment was seized for analysis.

    The investigation in this case was conducted by the police officers specialized in the field of sexual exploitation of children on the internet of the Sûreté du Québec, in partnership with the Victoria Police Department in British Columbia.