Couillard asked if the doctors themselves should manage their payroll

News 9 March, 2018
  • File Photo, Simon Clark
    Couillard is questioning the self-administration of the payroll by the federations and the principle of fairness with regard to Ontario.

    Charles Lecavalier

    Friday, 9 march, 2018 09:01

    Friday, 9 march 2018 15:54

    Look at this article

    PARIS – Philippe Couillard has just to agree with the doctors, but it puts into question privileges perpetuated in this agreement.

    In other words, the prime minister is questioned on the self-administration of the payroll by the medical federations, which has caused the creation of premiums unusual, such as the bonus port cover, for example. He also wondered about the principle of fixing the salary of doctors in quebec to those in Ontario.

    “There are two legitimate questions to ask for the next few years. The question of the self-administration of the masses [salary] by the federations and also the principle of fairness external, but we will not reopen the negotiations just to close, let’s be clear on that,” said the prime minister on Friday, during the press briefing of the close of its week-long mission in France.

    But why have signed an agreement that contains those elements that it deems questionable? “We can’t do everything at the same time,” he justified.

    Recall that, according to the agreement, the canadian Institute for health information will be responsible for checking whether a pay gap exists between specialists in québec and ontario. If that was the case, a board of settlement would determine the gap to be addressed. However, Quebec could decide how to settle the difference.

    If, however, the study revealed that doctors in quebec are better paid than their counterparts in ontario, as other studies demonstrate, the agreement would not be reopened for their salary be revised downward.

    Today, Mr. Couillard is squarely on this principle that he supported yet until recently. “We will continue to declare that it is dependent on what happens elsewhere to the remuneration of doctors? I think these are legitimate questions to ask”, he said.

    Mr. Couillard added that one could always ask these questions “between the two negotiations,” because of the ongoing negotiations are taking place with the medical federations. “But we should not expect this to be simple topics. It is, possibly, of the issues on which the government can decide,” said the prime minister.

    The prime minister was reacting to the abandonment of the “premium cover”, given to doctors who donned gloves, mask and jacket to see a patient isolated. This bonus was deducted from the total reward package for doctors, but chosen by the Federation of medical specialists (FMSQ). He congratulated the FMSQ and asks him now to invest that money to improve access to care.