Crash of a glider in Saint-Raymond: his compatriots aghast

News 16 July, 2017
  • Photo Agence QMI, Guy Martel
    The device that was flying in Mario Fiset crashed on the avenue of the Hill to Saint-Raymond to 16h30 Saturday.

    Elisa Cloutier

    Sunday, 16 July 2017 15:37

    Sunday, 16 July 2017 16:14

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    The members of the gliding Club of Quebec were shocked in the aftermath of the death of Mario Fiset, 54 years of age, of Quebec, who lost his life in the crash of his glider Saturday afternoon in Saint-Raymond de Portneuf.

    Photo TVA Nouvelles

    Mario Fiset, age 54, lost his life in the crash of his glider Saturday afternoon in Saint-Raymond.

    Under the shock, no more than 50 of them flew across the sky yesterday. “We have closed for the day. We pansons our wounds and we stay all together to support us. It has a lot of trouble,” said president Pierre Bouchard when contacted by the Newspaper, the voice knotted with emotion. “We are of any heart with the family,” he added.

    “This was not a beginner”

    Member of “long standing” of the club, based on the rue Grande-Ligne, Mario Fiset had many flying hours to his credit. “This was not a beginner, he was with us for a few years already and he had his licenses,” says Mr. Bouchard.

    The most serious accident

    Over the 60 years of the history of the gliding Club of Quebec, has never had to deal with an accident as serious, according to Mr. Bouchard. “It is certain that there have already been smaller accidents, but all in all, the accidents to gliders are quite rare. Since the beginning of the club, it is certainly the most serious accident that has happened,” said Bouchard, noting that his counterparts are “traumatized”.

    Under investigation

    An investigation by the Sûreté du Québec is under way to try to shed light on the circumstances of the death of the pilot, who was alone aboard his aircraft when it crashed into the heart of a residential area, hitting electrical wires. A discomfort or a technical problem with the device could explain the accident.

    The device that was flying in Mario Fiset crashed on the avenue of the Hill in Saint-Raymond de Portneuf around 16: 30, after taking off at the airfield of the same municipality a little earlier. According to Mr. Bouchard, some pilots can fly for up to six hours, depending on weather conditions.

    The Office of Transport Safety must, in particular, go to the gliding Club on Monday.