Crisis in the Bloc québécois: Couillard states, “the weakening major” of the sovereignty movement

News 1 March, 2018
  • Photo Agence QMI, Simon Clark
    “The independence movement has lived its best days,” said Philippe Couillard, who notes his “weakening major.”

    Marc-André Gagnon

    Thursday, 1 march 2018 11:47

    Thursday, 1 march 2018 11:53

    Look at this article

    STONEHAM | The current crisis within the Bloc quebec Martine Ouellet demonstrates to what point the sovereigntist movement is more than ever a loss of speed, according to the prime minister Philippe Couillard.

    “The pro-independence movement, after me, has lived its best days,” commented Mr. Couillard, in the margin of a visit to the microbrewery Strain of Stoneham, in the region of Quebec.

    The resignation in block 7 of the 10 members of the parliamentary wing of the party led by Martine Ouellet, according to Mr. Couillard, is just another manifestation of a lack of interest generalized of the population towards the sovereignty movement, especially the youth.

    “What it reveals above all, it is not so much the party itself, it is the weakening major of this political idea, which is the independence of Quebec. We see it among us, it has less and less attraction. […] Frankly, this is no longer the top priorities. In particular, the young people of Quebec.”

    Harbinger of a bleak future for the PQ?

    The liberal leader, who did not want to come forward more on the internal problems of the Bloc québécois in Ottawa is expected that the Parti québécois knows possibly a similar fate.

    “I have already said that the ideas never die, has repeated Mr. Couillard. It is the force of the idea which is in decline, because people no longer see relevance in it. In particular, the younger generation does not see really the interest, to Quebec, to go in that direction, and it is becoming increasingly apparent.”