Died tragically at age 18, Edward Grondin has saved five lives
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QMI agency
Wednesday, march 14, 2018 15:31
Wednesday, march 14, 2018 15:31
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Edward Grondin was 18 years old when he was involved in a serious road accident last September, in the eastern Townships. Transported to the hospital in Sherbrooke, it has been kept alive artificially, the time that his parents take a decision either to save the lives of other people by donating his organs.
Edward had not signed his organ donor card, but his parents took the decision for him.
“We don’t think really long time. We wanted to give his organs so he could save other lives, because we, we saw a terrible tragedy. By donating the organs, it gives a second chance to other people,” explained his mother, Valery Couture, in an interview with TVA News.
Edward Grondin was given six organs and thus save five people.
“One of the recipients has received two”, said the former ambulance paramedic.
The father of Edward, a former firefighter, was aware of the reality of brain death, that is to say, the death of the brain, even if the heart is beating.
“You don’t expect it, it is an accident. The day where something like that happens, it is very fast. Our boy, when he is gone, everything is done naturally. Our three boys were made to be major. He is gone and he took the road to save other lives. He left as a hero. It helps us to continue,” explained the father of Edward.
In 2017 in Quebec, 510 people have received an organ donation, the best performance in 10 years, according to the latest annual review of Transplant Québec.
By 2016, 30 less people had been transplanted. There were 182 donors compared to 170 in 2016.
One donor can save up to eight lives, giving, among others, his lungs, his liver, his heart, his pancreas or kidneys.