Discover the top 10 events weather highlights of the year: the spring flooding at the 3rd rank

News 21 December, 2017
  • Photo Agence QMI, Maxime Deland

    QMI agency

    Thursday, December 21, 2017 10:28

    Thursday, December 21, 2017 11:38

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    OTTAWA | The floods of last spring in Quebec and in Ontario are in the third rank of the ten weather events of the year in the country, according to Environment Canada.

    The “storm of the century” that shut down highway 13, she ranks in the seventh position.

    The spring flood that flooded in April and may, more than 5,000 residences, from the Outaouais to the Gaspé peninsula, passing by Montreal and la Mauricie, have finished behind the forest fires in British Columbia and the drought in the West.

    Environment Canada reminds us that nearly 300 communities have been affected by the flooding, which occurred during the spring of the wettest on record since 1870. The intense downpours have reached a location more than 150 mm for the month of April only, and 400 mm for the entire season.

    According to the insurance Bureau of Canada, more than 15 750 claims were made and the damage amounted to over 223 million $. The government assistance granted by Québec amounted to approximately $100 million.

    More than 2,000 troops had been sent into the field to lend a helping hand to the population, of which 4000 people were evacuated. Eight months later, 120 families, about 1100 at the peak of the crisis, were still hosted at the hotel.

    The “storm of the century” that has trapped 300 motorists on the highway 13 in the night from 14 to 15 march, also appears in the list of Environment Canada, the seventh largest. The organization recalls that the 50 cm of which fell on the south of Québec are estimated to have cost the lives of five people and caused hundreds of accidents.

    The ten weather events of the year from Environment Canada:

    1) The forest fire the most destructive in the history of British Columbia

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    2) The heat and drought in the West

    3) The spring floods in Quebec and Ontario

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    4) A cold winter and snow in British Columbia

    5) Flood at Windsor : two storms of the century in a year

    6) was actually fake-bond in the centre of Canada

    7) The “storm of the century” that hit in march on the Quebec and Ontario

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    8) The summer in September

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    9) The fall-out of the Brier in Newfoundland

    10) The ice storm in New Brunswick

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