Drunk Indian jumped under a train and survived : In the World : Vladim

The Indians argue that really made another “test”. An employee of the railway station in the West of India has jumped under a train and survived. Moreover, after this he behaved as if nothing had happened. This information was provided by the members of the local press.
Surveillance cameras were able to photograph as the man came down and went in the way before driving up to the station outside the state by train. After the composition passed, Indian quietly got up and returned to the platform.
The incident occurred on Sunday, January 28, in the region of four o’clock in the afternoon. Were at that moment on the platform, the passengers initially thought that the purpose of men is a settling of accounts with life. Everyone started to scream and try to save him, but knew that to do anything will fail, because the train is approaching too fast.
Later the man managed to identify. It was them 42-the summer local. At the time of incident he was in a condition of strong alcoholic intoxication, because the station it was forced to pick up the nephew. While it is unknown whether in respect of the offender public order taken some action.