E. coli: recall of ground beef Good Butcher

News 19 March, 2018
  • Photo courtesy canadian food inspection Agency, food

    QMI agency

    Sunday, 18 march, 2018 23:33

    Sunday, 18 march, 2018 23:33

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    Lean ground beef brand Good Butcher should not be consumed because it may be contaminated with the bacterium E. coli, has warned the canadian Agency of food inspection, Sunday evening.

    The formats of 285 g and 510 g, are involved. Their expiration date is the 19 or the 21 of march.

    This ground beef was sold in Quebec but also in Ontario and in the Maritimes.

    The Agency has specified that this warning has been launched as a result of analyses it has performed. She has also opened an investigation into the safety of the food referred to. However, no cases of illnesses associated with this meat have been reported.

    Products contaminated by the E. coli are not necessarily of alteration visible or smells suspicious. Nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, and diarrhea are some of the symptoms of an infection. E. coli can cause serious kidney problems, as well as death in some rare cases.