Engines-fixing: Volkswagen still fail the checks

News 12 March, 2018
  • Photo AFP


    Monday, 12 march 2018, 11:03

    Monday, 12 march 2018, 11:08

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    SYDNEY | Volkswagen vehicles have been recalled and changed after the scandal of the engine fixing, consume more fuel and fail the controls for pollution control, says in a study published Monday, the australian Association of automobile (AAA).

    At the end of 2015, the first manufacturer in the world had been shaken by the scandal of polluting emissions of the ” dieselgate “, after having acknowledged that he had equipped 11 million of its diesel cars software skewing the test results to pollution control and concealing emissions in excess of up to 40 times the approved standards.

    The vehicles in question had been recalled, but the AAA said Monday that tests she ordered showed that the car repaired was not met in the actual conditions of the regulations.

    “The analysis of the emissions (…) shows that Volkswagen vehicles are assigned using 14% more than diesel after the recall, and have lower levels of harmful emissions more than 400% higher than what is observed in tests in laboratories,” says AAA in a press release.

    The emissions are less important than before the recall, but still in excess of limits permitted in Australia, says the AAA has conducted these tests in partnership with the International Automobile Federation (FIA).

    Volkswagen rejected Monday the comparison by saying that the German federal agency for the automotive KBA had approved the update of its software and that the vehicles recalled ” continued to meet the standards europeans and australians in terms of emissions “.

    The AAA considers that the tests in real conditions, rather than those in the laboratory, should assist the relevant authorities to put in place the necessary laws.

    Approximately 42 000 vehicles in Australia, and over six million worldwide, have been repaired according to Volkswagen.