Fat cat from Canada learned every day to please your mistress : In the World : Vladim

News 15 March, 2018

The view that dogs only want to please their own masters, decided to destroy the plump cat from Canada that almost every day pleases its owner. The announcement was made on Allie Hamilton in the vastness of Twitter.


According to her, every day in the spring and summer plump pet goes to the yard directly to the flower beds and waiting on the ground from the hive will not fall flower. After she examines the plant and only if it is satisfied with the result, brings his beloved mistress.

The owner of the cats is confident that in this way she compensates for her before his inability to catch mice and harmful to the economy of birds due to a large abdomen.

1 February in the press disturbance history of the new Zealand cat Mo, who became the reason of quarrel of couples, bringing home underwear neighbor. The scandal began when the girlfriend of a man named ed Williams found on their bed panties, and on the back porch was the bra. The couple was able to quarrel over two weeks, the man had no hope that they believe him, but once they saw the cat crossing the road with a t-shirt in his teeth.