Finished the hydrocarbons on Anticosti island: residents relieved

News 29 July, 2017
  • ta-url=”” data-count-url=””>
    The mayor of Anticosti, John Pineault

    Charles Lecavalier

    Friday, 28 July 2017 11:34

    Friday, 28 July 2017 11:34

    Look at this article

    The residents of Anticosti island are relieved by the moratorium on the exploration and exploitation of hydrocarbons and are now seeking assistance to develop their economies.

    • READ ALSO: Quebec announces the end of the exploration and exploitation of oil and gas on Anticosti island

    “We see it as a victory of common sense,” says mayor John Pineault in an interview with the Newspaper. “We knew that it was impossible to reconcile our way of life, our industry, hunting and fishing and the petroleum industry. And when we knew it were non-conventional sources, and that it should use the hydraulic fracturing, it would have destroyed the island to the full”, he added.

    The government Couillard announced in the beginning of the day that he was terminated by order in council to any form of exploration and exploitation of oil and gas on Anticosti island. Agreements have already been signed with the companies, Junex, Corridor and Maurel & Prom, in return for a global compensation totaling $ 41.4 million. Québec must always agree with the Québec Pétrolia [see text].

    Environmental groups have immediately shouted victory. “The Quebec government took the right decision in abandoning forever a oil that is expensive to all points of view,” said nature Québec. Even the sound of a bell in Québec solidaire and the Parti québécois, which had initiated the costly exploration project at the time of the government Marois.

    Just the opposite for the Coalition avenir Québec, which is a figure of exception in the political sphere in quebec. The party of François Legault deplores the fact that Quebec is not gone at the end of the fiscal year of exploration. “I think it’s a pity to put an end to the work without knowing the real potential of the island,” said the mp caquiste Chantal Soucy.

    The combat, however, is not ended for the small municipality of 200 inhabitants, who continue to struggle to enter its territory to the world heritage title by UNESCO. The mayor is now asking the government for the creation of a special fund investment to restore the economy of the big island which depends on tourism, hunting and fishing. He also wants a new ferry.

    “If I had to give compensation to the businesses, it’s going to. But it is not necessary to forget about us. It has been five years that you live with a sword of Damocles : there is more investment, while the world was waiting for the decision of the oil companies,” Mr. Pineault.

    What they said :

    • “It’s been over a year that we ask him to put an end to the work and to enter into an agreement with the companies concerned,” Sylvain Rochon, a member of the PQ
    • “It was more than time that the government put an end to this monumental mistake of the government Marois, which has allowed oil companies to engage in the devastation of the natural environment unique in Quebec” – Amir Khadir, mp for Québec solidaire
    • “The LIBERALS took advantage of a Friday in the middle of July to put an end to the work on the Island. It is so arrogant and it’s going to cost very dear to Quebeckers” – Chantal Soucy, member of parliament for the Coalition avenir Québec