Flowers for the Zodiac signs: what are suitable

Techno 3 October, 2017

2017-10-03 18:03

Flowers for the Zodiac signs: what are suitable
Ancient astrologers claimed that each plant affects a certain planet, so each flower carries a certain energy characteristics that meet the characteristics of the Zodiac Signs.

I propose you a system of astrological correspondences of colors, so you can improve your life, to influence events and to bring your loved ones happy.

Flowers for Aries

Aries love to be the center of attention, so their plants usually have high growth. Aries – the sign of fire, its plants are often large, spiny, have red, Burgundy, pink and orange hues. Plants: Azalea, Royal begonia, geranium, grenades, Guzman ligulate, spurge brilliant, rose, sparkling ehmeya striped. These flowers help the Aries to succeed in different situations.

Flowers for Taurus

Taurus – earth sign, material, fixed to the earth, stable, hardy. For Taurus are good stable and sturdy plants and also plants with beautiful flowers. Here they are: ornamental begonia, gloxinia, Kalanchoe of Blofeld and Mangina, peperomii, primrose, African violet, cyclamen Persian. Plants belonging to the sign of Taurus are designed to improve physical endurance, as well as to send a man on the road to wealth. Flowers Calf – talismans of wealth.

Flowers for Twins

The Gemini is the most light, airy, changeable, the most mobile sign of the Zodiac. Plants of Twins have numerous but often small or narrow leaves. These flowers will help people born under the sign of Gemini, improve their physical and mental health, to clear atmosphere in the house. Gemini is a sign of friendship, friendly relations. Gemini is a sign of primary education, so his plants are good to have in school and at home as a talisman for successful learning and quick absorption of information. Gemini plants: asparagus (gustotsvetkovy, pinnate, sparzhevidnogo), tillandsia, palms, ferns, ivy, tradescantia.

Flowers for Cancers

The element of Cancer is water, and the plants themselves wet, with fleshy stems and leaves. They will help people born under the sign of Cancer, to preserve their physical and mental health, improve the atmosphere in the house. Plants Cancer: American agave, aloe, Mason begonia, dieffenbachia charming, bushy peperomii, fuchsia hybrid. These flowers charms family happiness. They protect family well-being, eliminate conflicts and misunderstandings.

Flowers to Lviv

Leo – fiery, demanding a sign, its plants are quite undemanding. Solid, endowed with beautiful leaves and flowers, all the plants of Leo most beneficial for people born under this sign. They are needed at home or at work Lions to maintain emotional and physical tone for the purification of the energy around them. Lev and control them the Sun in astrology is associated with creativity and high feelings, real love. Each of the plants of this sign can be grown at home as a talisman for successful creativity and happiness in love. Plants Lion akalifa saministrostan, Impatiens, Gardenia, geranium, Calla, hybrid calceolaria, Camellia japonica, the Chinese rose.

Flowers for Virgins

The earthly virgin endowed with many strong plants. Among them are climbing vines, plants with flexible stems and producing aerial roots. All the flowers of virgin hide in themselves the energy to maintain good emotional and physical tone and purification of the energy of the home. Any of the plants of this sign can have a home as a mascot for the health and development of abilities of the mind. Flower maidens: aucuba Japanese, reflexed dracaena, monstera, rhoicissus, syngonium, epipremnum, philodendron, tsissus.

Flowers for Libra

Plants have beautiful flowers and fruits and brightly colored leaves, strong stems allow them to keep straight. Plant Weights can be of great benefit not only to people born under this sign. Of the numerous beneficial properties inherent in the plants of Libra, we distinguish two universal: the impact on partnerships and assist in the formation of taste. Plants of Scales – charms partnerships, business, marriage. They contribute to the development of aesthetic understanding of beauty. These representatives of the flora: Azalea, pineapple, heliotrope hybrid, hibiscus, hydrangea, zigokaktus truncated, Camellia, Croton, capsicum, fats Japanese, chrysanthemum melkotsvetkovaya.

Flowers for Scorpions

Scorpio – the sign of water. Its plants are saturated with water and have spines. Crafty Scorpio protects and insectivorous plants, however, to grow them at home hard. The plants of Scorpio are suitable not only Scorpio, but to all who believe that are endowed with abilities of telepathy, prophetic dreams and wish to achieve in these areas of excellence. Understanding the hidden cosmic processes, the awareness of the invisible factors affecting the existence, this is an area in the region which help to realize the plants of this sign. These plants are: agave, aloe, ginura plentora, Kalanchoe, common oleander, cacti, faucaria tiger, ehmeya.

Flowers for Sagittarius

Sagittarius – a sign of spiritual aspiration to other worlds. So many of the plants are tall or elongated up their flower stalks. The plants of Sagittarius is often strong, with abundant flowering, the original. Sagittarius governs the subject abroad, long journeys, so its plants develop in man the qualities necessary for travel, increases the attraction to other cultures. Sagittarius plants: bonsai, Cleve cinnabar, sansevieriya three-band, tetrastigma Voigne, citrus, Schefflera. Representatives of this sign is undesirable to grow at home aloe, cacti, calceolaria, ferns, chilli peppers, ivy. As they can block the freedom and creativity Sagittarius.

Flowers for Capricorn

The plants of Capricorn is endowed with a strict form stable character, so many of them straight, strong stalk, sometimes spines. Capricorn unhurried, so it is under this sign are very slow growing plants. Plants of this sign – charms career. The sign of Capricorn in charge of the areas of work, social status of the person, therefore all the plants of Capricorn can be home or office as a talisman for success. The plants of Capricorn: deresky and fragrant dracaena, Laurel, livistona, lithops, crassula silver, ficus benjamina, ficus elastica, Yucca.

Flowers for Aquarius

Aquarius – the sign of ideas, inventions, discoveries, therefore plants can serve as mascots for innovation. Any plants Aquarius stimulates people to seek new and innovative solutions in all spheres of life. Plants of this sign often have an unusual, unique look. Among them are: abutilon, dracaena Godsefa, Ragwort, REO motley, arrowroot, Euphorbia beautiful.

Flowers for Pisces

Pisces, the sign of divine service. Water element endowed Fish aquarium, terraroli and like algae land plants. Some of them possess a fragrant smell or beautiful flowers. The plants of Pisces are intended for the development of spirituality, detachment from the Madding crowd. This aquarium plants, platitserium, tolmie, geranium, hyacinth, Orchid, syngonium, jade plaunovidnaya, alocasia, helxine, tsiperus papyrus.