Found the helicopter, crashed near Chernobyl in 1986

News 11 December, 2017

In the Chernobyl nuclear power plant were found in the wreckage of a helicopter that crashed in the liquidation of the accident in 1986.


Ukrainian goshenite on the exclusion zone management, reported on a new discovery. On the roof of the fourth unit of Chernobyl were found in the wreckage of Mi-8 helicopter, which in 1986 was involved in the liquidation of the accident – treatment of the roof blocks of the second stage. Then the helicopter crashed and all three crew members were killed. The crash happened on 2 October 1986.

Discovered was part of the tail and the broken parts of the steering screw. The fate of the discovery is unknown, but most likely all the found items will be donated to the Museum of history.

Recently it became known that Ukraine is ready to create in the Chernobyl area some profitable projects. The construction of the solar EC and tourist area near the scene of the accident.