General practitioners endorse the agreement to 96 %

News 4 October, 2017
  • Héloïse Archambault

    Wednesday, 4 October 2017 12:57

    Wednesday, 4 October 2017 12:57

    Look at this article

    Family doctors in Quebec have voted overwhelmingly in favour of the new tentative agreement that includes wage increases of 10% over three years, learned the Newspaper.

    No less than 96 % of the members of the Fédération des médecins omnipraticiens du Québec (FMOQ) have voted in favour of the ratification of the new agreement-in-principle on the conditions of their work, from September 20 to 27.

    Increase of 10 %

    In total, 60 % of the members of the union have expressed their vote electronically.

    The general agreement in question, which spans the period from 2015 to 2023, includes a pay increase of 10 % for the next three years, until 2020. This year (2017-2018), the doctors will have an increase of income of about 3.9 %.

    This morning, the FMOQ has refused to comment on the contents of the agreement to the Newspaper, since a joint announcement official is expected on Friday with the government.

    The last convention of work of family physicians was due from April 2015. On the 25th of August last, an agreement-in-principle (compensation and global envelope”) had been entered into between the FMOQ and the treasury Board.

    Without giving details, the FMOQ had called the agreement “fair” and ” acceptable “, in the current context. For their part, the opposition parties have unanimously denounced the agreement-in-principle granted to the family doctor.

    Not paid enough

    In 2015, general practitioners earned an average of 244 674 $, according to data from the Régie de l’assurance-maladie du Québec (RAMQ).

    However, last year, the FMOQ had indicated to the Newspaper that she wished to obtain an increase of income to reduce the gap with the medical specialists of quebec, who earned, on average, 67% more than them.

    Last April, the minister of Health Gaétan Barrette had said that the catch-up wage with the other provinces was now complete. For the past four years, the remuneration of gps has increased by 16 %, according to the RAMQ.

    On the side of doctors and specialists, negotiations with the government continue.