Guilty of the murder of 15 homeless people are recognized as members of the “gang sweep”

News 23 October, 2017

The Moscow city court recognized gang members convicted of murder of 15 people. The defendants in the case were Paul Voitov, Elena Lobacheva, Vladislav Karataev, Arthur Daffodils and a resident of Yaroslavl oblast of 19 years, who at the time of the crimes are under the age of 18.


The Moscow city court has pronounced a sentence “to a gang of shiners,” which for a long period of time, with 2014 and 2015 homeless people in Moscow, Moscow region and Yaroslavl region. This information provided by the correspondent of the Russian edition, which at the time of sentencing in the courtroom.

The main defendant in Pavel Voytov received a life sentence, which he will serve in a colony of special findings, Lobacheva sentenced to 13 years of imprisonment with restriction of freedom for two years. Karataev was sentenced to 16 years, to serve his sentence he will be in a penal colony with a two-year restriction of freedom, Nartsissova as another figurant, was given nine years and six months, which will also sit in the colony.

As noted earlier, a gang of murderers in a specified period of time wielded in the East, center and West of the Russian capital. Their victims were homeless, which, according to the “shiners” were flawed. During the interrogation, the gang said that in this way “purified the city from anti-social elements”.