Hit-and-run fatal on a toddler: Rick Modi pleads guilty

News 26 March, 2018
  • Photo archives, Ben Pelosse
    Rick Modi

    David Prince

    Monday, march 26, 2018 13:26

    Monday, march 26, 2018 13:26

    Look at this article

    A driver of 24 years, was recognized Monday morning to have fled the scene after his car had struck the baby its neighbours in St-Constant.

    Rick Modi pleaded guilty to hit-and-run causing the death of the small Dominique Wenga, 2 years, on the morning of may 27, 2017 in a residential street in St-Constant.

    The 24-year old man was travelling in his car when he heard a noise after an impact. He continued his road without stopping in order not to be late for a hockey tournament to benefit Children’s miracle network.

    It is his wife who has called a few hours later to let him know that a motorist had struck the baby as their neighbours.

    More details to come …