Hydro sends him a bill for 2 cents
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The Montreal-Mike Skyllas has placed in the premises of his company’s development of bathrooms with its invoice to Hydro-Québec, the amount of which amounted to 2 under.
Carl Vaillancourt
Friday, 16 march, 2018 01:00
Friday, 16 march, 2018 01:00
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A montreal contractor has received an invoice for two cents of the part of Hydro-Quebec, which he considers ridiculous.
Mike Skyllas has the habit to settle their monthly bills directly with the financial institution since it started business four years ago. However, a change in local sales last year made sure that he saw the invoice to be recalculated by the State-owned company.
A few days ago, his company Skyllas and Sunstrum has received a statement regarding its energy consumption, showing a balance of $ 0.02, which enraged the owner.
“The bank transaction charges amounted to more than $ 1, then I need to pay 2 as. It certainly has to be more expensive to produce the invoice that the amount I am claiming. We would have been able to add this amount on my next bill. I can’t even pay cash, because it is rounded to zero “, explained the president of the company specialized in the construction of the bathrooms.
According to the information obtained by The Newspaper, the costs related to issuing $ 25 million of invoices printed per year to Hydro-Quebec customers represent a cost of $ 16.5 million annually.
Each paper account represents a unit cost of $ 0.66, which is 33 times more than the outstanding balance by M. Skyllas.
Customer service
The spokesperson for Hydro-Québec, Serge Tsoto, explains that the corporation has no other choice than to issue an invoice, regardless of the amount.
“We are obliged by the Régie de l’énergie to send all our customers a statement of account without regard to the amount appearing on it,” explained Mr. Tsoto.
According to him, it is also possible for the consumer to request an electronic submission, but the Crown corporation can’t force its customers to subscribe to them.
According to the secretary of the Régie de l’énergie and the communications officer, to Me, Véronique Dubois, Hydro-Québec is forced to send an invoice to all of its clients according to the regulations to which the corporation is subject.