In China opened a glass bridge at a height of 1980 m above sea level In the World : Vladim
China has built the highest in the state, the bridge of glass. Open pedestrian suspension bridge in the Park, Batasan (Sichuan province). Its height is striking: 1980 meters above the sea.
New glass bridge built back in February. Until that time, testing of structures. From 10 March everyone is fearless and can walk on glass design at the height of 168 meters above the ground, which is equivalent to the skyscraper of 66 stories. Length vitacevo paintings almost 200 meters. The width of the panels of the design, of 2.5 meters. For the construction of a pedestrian glass cloth spent 10 million yuan (1.58 million’s dollars).
Such a structure in the China open for the first time. In 2017, the country surprised the longest glass bridge is 488 meters. It was built in Hebei province at an altitude of about 220 meters above the valley. For the bridge used 1077 panes of glass. The long version can hold about 2 thousand people.