In Krasnoyarsk the man six months raped his young stepdaughter

News 22 October, 2017

Male age 36 years old for six months committed acts of sexual violence against underage daughter of his official wife, when she was at home. She told relatives, who contacted police.


During it is investigative-expeditious actions it was established that the girl had been six incidents of sexual abuse from his stepfather for seven months in the current year. The stepfather of the child who did not come true and fourteen years of age, had no wife to satisfy his sexual needs with his stepdaughter. The girl, unable to withstand further abuse, told all their relatives, who appealed to the police station. At the moment the man is in custody, he admits his guilt fully.

Note that in the suburbs was recently arrested pedophile who downloaded pictures of teenagers of an intimate nature to the Network. Bring the pedophile to clean water has helped 12-year-old girl who told her mother about the man who asked her to send pictures of their genitals on a social network. During the search, the men found plenty of evidence of his illegal activities.