In London robots will teach you how to watch child porn

News 20 December, 2017

To preserve mental health of the employees of the British police, robots working in the Department on fight against cybercrime will be taught how to watch porn involving minors.


Police in Britain annually withdraws more than 20 thousand pornographic video content of forbidden porno Studio or private individuals dealing with pornography. More than half of these materials is videos involving minors. To confirm the fact of withdrawal of such video footage, the police have to see and log. The police are very concerned about this issue, because it causes irreparable damage to their mental health and they like to take part in such kind of operations.

The developers of artificial intelligence at Scotland Yard has already used robots to search for correspondences and materials leading to the evidence base about trafficking in drugs and weapons, but artificial intelligence does not want to look for pornography. This issue was engaged in earnest, however, it is necessary not less than 2 years until developers will create the perfect program to search for child porn and will not facilitate the fate of a British policeman.