In Moscow, a man out of jealousy killed the drinking companion : Crime news : Vladim
In the Central part of Moscow man killed friend. The cause of the accident was the jealousy.
As reported by the local press, referring to the informant in emergency agencies, the tragedy occurred in one of the apartments, which is located in Strikeracer lane. Appeared on the scene, law enforcement officers were able to determine that the young man, not having a permanent place of work, because of jealousy stabbed with a knife to his age. From the received damages the man died on the spot. It is known that the assassin is a native of the Irkutsk region. He drank alcoholic beverages with a friend from the Saratov region, due to personal napryazhennykh relations between them there was a conflict.
Suspect taken to the police Department. The staff of investigative Department has been investigating deaths. All the moments, the reasons and circumstances of the incident are currently being investigated.
Previously a resident of the Tula region sentenced to 20 years after burning 4 people. He also will pay 300 000 roubles of the penalty for a crime.