In South Korea, are planning the creation of a transparent tank In the World : Vladim

News 29 December, 2017

Experts in the field of engineering in South Korea seriously planning to create a tank with a “transparent” system of camouflage. In addition, the specialists provided the South Korean government a list of 40 development, which they will do in the near future.


The South Korean government was given a list of the latest strategic developments in the field of military equipment, which should significantly strengthen the country’s defense, moving her arms to a new level. Special attention of the South Korean authorities focused on the high-speed submarine, of an automatic system for recharging drones, able to fly to the desired object.

The assurance of technical experts, the latest technology will allow them to create a tank that would be impossible to detect using conventional radar or systems using infrared rays. In addition, the experts assured that the car will be securely hidden from human eyes.