In Spain, the judge brothers-rapists with “steel” members, In the World : Vladim

News 11 February, 2018

In Spain judged the two brothers of Romanian origin for a number of crimes connected with human trafficking, pimping and rape. Information provided by foreign portal of The Mirror.


It is reported that the defendants kept a brothel in the Spanish Oviedo. Girls lured through fraud. Two victims they promised in the future a serious relationship, and for the sake of gaining personal happiness gullible foreigners came to Spain.


Slaves, of which the accused is lured into a brothel, was subjected to numerous abuse. The brothers raped the girls, were severely beaten. If women brought their point of view a little money, they fed them forcibly earnings, threatening next time to shove them in the mouth of metal coins instead of banknotes.

One of the girls was subjected to abuse so severe that a few weeks couldn’t get out of bed. Realizing her “uselessness” pimps cut off her right hand a katana. The court has information that in order to cause the victims even more severe pain, the rapists inserted in the members of steel balls, why the sexual act has turned into a brutal torture.