In the Urals a man shot bystanders : Crime news : Vladim

News 27 February, 2018

Feb 26, at 23 hours local time in the village of Sukhoy Log, Sverdlovsk region man out of his apartment, located on the third floor of the residential area, firing indiscriminately at pedestrians. The result was an injured citizen.


Information about the incident spread in the local media. The shooter was detained at the time of the arrest, he was in a deranged state, as I drank a decent dose of alcohol. The police do not understand the reason for the aggression of the detainee. The offender will be sent for medical examination. According to guards, the attacker started shooting because of delirium tremens. The victim was hospitalized, he received a wound in the head and torso. Doctors in a timely manner assisted the citizen, therefore he was still alive. Now the patient’s condition called stable.

The detainee made the first shot in the door to his apartment. According to Ural media, the attacker is an ex-inspector. The aggressor resigned from the traffic police about ten years ago. The offender carried out more than a dozen shots into the street from the apartment window. Currently under investigation, investigated all the circumstances of the incident.