In the US a man beaten to death with a bottle wife porn : Crime news : Vladim

News 28 February, 2018

Law enforcement officers in Alabama, USA, have arrested a man on suspicion of murder. According to preliminary data, a local resident beat to death his wife with a bottle of liquor after he learned that his wife earns selling their intimate photos.


Court of the state of Alabama continues to collect evidence against a local resident, William Geoffrey West, a suspect in the murder of 42-year-old Kathleen Dona West. The naked body of a woman found near her home, the murder weapon was a bottle of liquor. Police immediately arrested the husband of the deceased. According to investigators, the man found out that his wife secret from his created a porn website and scored wife to death. Under the pseudonym kitty kat woman posted their intimate pictures and provided users with access to them for $ 15.

The court set bail for a man half a million dollars. The couple West left 12-year-old daughter.