In the US, movie stars founded a movement to protect women from harassment In the World : Vladim

In the United States began the movement of “Time out” (Time’s Up), the founders of which are the star of the American show business that intend to protect women from discrimination and sexual harassment. Relevant information is noted on the official community site.
Representatives of the BBC News noted that the initiative group consists of more than 300 women, including Actresses Reese Witherspoon, cate Blanchett, Emma stone and Natalie Portman. “Time out” refuse to separate the victims by sex and promise that legal support will be provided to everyone who applies.
The goal of the movement is due to the existence of voluntary donations.
In total, it is planned that they will be able to collect more than $ 15 million, thanks to which victims will be able to pay for lawyers. Especially it concerns financial vulnerable profession, among which the waitresses or nannies.
As you know, the sexual harassment scandal in the United States began in October 2017, when Harvey Weinstein of the most respectable producer of Hollywood has turned into the most hated person. In addition, rape also accused Kevin spacey, Sylvester Stallone, Charlie sheen, Dustin Hoffman, Lars von Trier and others.