In the US, the bakery will pay the lesbians for what he denied them the oven for the cake : In the World : Vladim

News 29 December, 2017

The owners of the bakery Salem, Oregon, did not want to take an order from two lesbians and bake them a cake. They are now forced to pay a penalty, this was written on the official website of the state government.


The owners did not want to bake a cake for women is not traditional orientation in February 2013.
Courting couple was very touched and they filed into the bakery to court. The court ruled that they they have to pay 135 thousand dollars for compensation for moral damage.
The owner of the bakery has not yet decided whether to appeal the verdict.

It is noted that the owners of the bakery, has already paid the penalty love, but today money is frozen until after the appeal.

Legislation in the state is the main principle of human decency, according to which every citizen, regardless of sexual orientation, has the full right to participate in society, to come to public places,go shopping, eat in restaurants, ride in public areas. This is stated on the official website of the state.