In the USA the owner of the yacht club and unwind with sex and drugs In the World : Vladim

News 17 January, 2018

The owner of the yacht club, which allowed to smoke marijuana, decided to conduct a bold experiment and organized the real sex party, to which were invited all the visitors. Attendance from the combination of these two things has increased so much that now the sailor just doesn’t know what to do to please everyone.


Information about this on his page shared a journalist from Denver, telling that the owner of the club lives in Colorado springs, Colorado. For a long time he wanted to go to some step, by which we can increase attendance on Saturday nights.

Combine sex and cannabis he was convinced the visitors, and one of them outlined in this is an affordable idea.
As a result, he conducted a social survey, which attempted to establish what needs to be done in order to make marihuanich evenings.

As a result, the majority of visitors were in favour of what they want to be liberated and also in a sexual sense.
The owner of the club agreed to meet with the state police and got her “green light”. As a result, the sex of cannabis the party was completely legal. As you know, in Colorado and seven other States permit the use of marijuana but only for medical purposes.