In the USA the teenager shot in cold blood the entire family in the New year’s eve : Crime news : Vladim
In the state of new Jersey, County of Monmouth, 16-year-old student shot his entire family in the New year’s eve. Armed with a semi-automatic rifle, he shot in cold blood a mother and father, older sister and caught by coincidence a family friend. At the moment the young man was detained.
The incident occurred directly in New year’s eve. The exact address of the family by the police, in the interests of the investigation, refuses to call. Grandparents of the teenager managed to survive solely due to the fact that by the time of the crime, they have not had time to get home.
As you know, my father was 44 years old, mother 42, and sister just recently turned 18. The eldest was a family friend. The teenager promised to press charges on four articles.
Local authorities claim they did not see the incident no signs of a terrorist act. According to preliminary information, the young man fired a gun, which is registered, at the time, his parents. What motivated the guy to such a terrible step, not reported.