Inhabitant of Novgorod who cut off my friend’s head for the New year, was taken into custody : Crime news : Vladim

News 3 January, 2018

Inhabitant of Novgorod, which at the Banquet table cut off his friend’s head, and then tried to hide in the neighbor’s balcony, placed into custody. Reportedly, while trying to destroy traces of the crime, the Novgorodians threw the severed head of a friend from the third floor.


In Novgorod, the Peskovskaya street on the night of New year there was a shocking incident: a local man cut off his friend’s head and threw it out the window of the apartment on the third floor right under the feet of passers-by on the street. The alleged 40-year-old killer was detained by the arrived employees of law enforcement agencies while trying to break into the neighbor’s balcony to escape.

At the moment the suspect is detained and is in custody until all the circumstances of the crime, which occurred on Christmas night. A temporary measure of restraint for the detainee is 2 months in prison.


The body of the deceased identified, he was a young boy Maxim, According to neighbors, unwitting witnesses to the incident, they had heard the sounds of blows from behind the wall, but they never imagined that the neighbor’s apartment is a gruesome murder.