Introduce your teens to alcohol is risky

News 25 January, 2018
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    Thursday, 25 January 2018 15:58

    Thursday, 25 January 2018 15:58

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    Introduce your teenager to alcohol in order to dissuade him from drinking too much with his friends is risky, say australian researchers, who advise parents to prohibit outright any consumption.

    This conclusion is of a study conducted for six years on nearly 2000 young australians from their 12 years until their majority, and published Thursday by The Lancet Public Health.

    The authors, alcoologues and psychologists, have noted that many parents wanted to not make alcohol a taboo, and to show the house how to have a consumption reasonable. But obviously, this is not the right method.

    “This is, in fact, at the origin of risks, in comparison with adolescents that do not have alcohol, which reinforces the idea that alcohol consumption is harmful, no matter how we obtain”, a summary in a press release, the main author, a specialist in addictions to drugs and alcohol Richard Mattick.

    “We advise parents to avoid providing alcohol to their teens”, he continued.

    At the end of the study, the adolescents who reported to be addicted to binge drinking (“binge drinking”, which is four glasses at least once in the past year) were 81% among those who had obtained alcohol through their parents, compared with 62% among those who had never obtained from their parents.

    For those who receive the alcohol exclusively from their parents, only 25% had experienced this form of intoxication.

    But supply alcohol to your teens not only double the probability that it will drink on other occasions, but in addition increases the risk of health problems related to alcohol.

    The authors noted that the study was specific to Australia, and that the results could be different in countries with lower alcohol consumption, as well as in Asia, Africa and the Middle East.

    However, “there is still no evidence from other countries, according to which supply alcohol to their child reduces the risk,” they insisted