It opens the throat in front of the judge
Frederique Giguere
Monday, 26 march, 2018 20:16
Monday, 26 march, 2018 20:16
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A man of 71-year-old slashed the throat in a full court room, Monday, at the palace of justice in Laval.
The individual, who was not in custody, was in room 1.10 in the context of his trial for non-compliance with its conditions.
Around 11 a.m., for a reason that remains unknown, the seventy-year-old has grabbed an object, spice, before inflicting a wound to the throat. Lawyers and the judge Gilles Garneau have been witnesses to the suicide attempt.
“The special constables are immediately intervened and maneuvers to save his life have been made pending the arrival of paramedics,” said Louise Quintin, a spokesman for the department of public Safety.
He was subsequently taken to a hospital under police escort. He was then in a state of health is serious but stable, according to Stéphane Smith, a spokesman for Urgences-Santé. It does not fear for his life.
– With the collaboration of Christian Plouffe and Michael Nguyen