January 4 – Day Newton

Techno 4 January, 2018

2018-01-04 09:11

January 4 – Day Newton
I wonder what the story is about falling from the tree the Apple, which Newton has him thinking about the free fall of bodies, to be true.

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About how many wonderful discoveries,

Prepare the spirit of enlightenment,

And experience the son of errors difficult,

And the genius, paradoxes the friend,

And if the inventor of God…

A. S. Pushkin

It is no coincidence that in the first days of the new year it is appropriate to recall the famous patisserie O. S. Pushkin and to talk about science. Or rather, to talk about one of the greatest physicists, mathematicians and astronomers of the 17th century, whose mind and experience has created the law of universal gravitation and the three laws of mechanics, which became the basis of classical mechanics, reports Rus.Media.

Isaac Newton is recognized worldwide as a genius – personality, which is the subject of today’s feast Day of Newton (Newton Day). Newton’s life from birth to deathbed, was more full of accidents and coincidences that led to the patterns and logical discoveries. Scientists around the world today use the theorem of Newton-Leibnitz’s law of viscosity Newton’s first, second, and third laws of Newton, the binomial theorem, interpolation formula, Newton’s, not to mention the literally legendary the law of gravity of Newton.

By the way, I wonder what the story is about falling from the tree the Apple, which Newton has him thinking about the free fall of bodies, to be true. S. V. Vavilov in the biography “Isaac Newton” quotes one of the close friends of Newton, Stacia:

“After lunch, (in London, Newton) the weather was hot; we went into the garden and drank tea under the shade of several Apple trees; there was only the two of us. Incidentally, sir Isaac told me, in precisely the same situation he was when he first came up with the idea of gravity. It was caused by the fall of an Apple, as he sat, lost in thought. Why the Apple always falls steeply, he thought to himself, why not in the side, and always at the center of the Earth. Must exist an attractive force of matter concentrated in the center of the Earth. If the matter is so drawn a different matter, and there must be proportion of its quantity. Therefore, the Apple attracts the Earth just as the Earth Apple. Must therefore be a force that we call gravity extending across the Universe.”

And although many of the patterns and theories developed by Newton, has been significantly augmented over the past three centuries, scientists, researchers, students and graduates of natural Sciences, lovers of scientific knowledge and experiments annually on 4 January to celebrate the Day Newton — the birthday of the great Englishman.

“Here lies sir Isaac Newton, noble, almost divine intelligence first proved with the torch of mathematics the motion of the planets, the paths of comets, and the tides of the oceans. He investigated the difference of light rays and appear with different color properties, which no one before suspected. Diligent, wise and faithful interpreter of nature, antiquity and the Holy Scriptures, he asserted his philosophy the Majesty of Almighty God, and the disposition expressed Evangelical simplicity. Let mortals rejoice that there was such a decoration of the human race…”.